February 23, 2018

The amazing photos above are by Sam Glass, 6th grade student in Mr. Roger’s class at Arrowwood Elementary School.

The fantastic photos above are by Nick Bennett, 6th grader in Mr. Roger’s class at Arrowwood Elementary School.
During this 2-day program, 235 students in preschool through 4th grade experienced CaveSim and three of our other educational stations, including our 12′ ropes tower. A big thanks to Sam Hinkle and Jackson Fulcher for helping with this great program. We could write lots more words, but we’ll let someone else do the talking from here:
STEAM teacher Dana Palmer wrote to us after the program, “I wanted to thank you for our CaveSim experience- it exceeded our expectations- We found your program was the perfect combination of innovation, responsibility, preservation and education. In addition to being hands-on there was a great deal of knowledge passed on to our students in a very tangible and relatable way. You and your crew are extremely knowledgeable and the delivery was on par with seasoned educators. We were truly impressed with how smoothly everything went- every detail planned perfectly, simply amazing.”
Some other great feedback written by parents, teachers, and students:
“I am so glad I volunteered at this event. It was great to see kids so engaged and active. This is what learning is all about” –parent volunteer
“I can not wait to get older and follow my passion and invent cool things like Mr. Dave” –3rd grader
“We had to extend writing time by 30 minutes because the students were so excited and inspired by CaveSim they wanted to just keep writing in their journals” –2nd grade teacher
“My students are not easily challenged and they came to me after CaveSim eager to investigate caves and pulleys” –Gifted and Talented coordinator
“My students rarely write more than a sentence in their journals, but today they wrote entire paragraphs on what it means to be an inventor like Dave with the Cave” –Resource teacher who works with struggling students

Despite snow flurries, the students and their PE teacher were eager to explore CaveSim.

CaveSim isn’t just for kids! This classroom teacher had a great time exploring.