Our Austin High School program was really well received.  Students even came back to learn more during their break time (Flexible Instruction Time, or FIT).

Above, exploring inside CaveSim while looking for cave biota, artifacts, and cool formations.


Above left, emerging from a fun trip through the cave. Above right, students lift a football-player classmate up the 12′ CaveSim tower using the mechanical advantage afforded by pulleys.

Students and their teacher (Elise Gonzalez) gathered outside the CaveSim trailer.

Our elementary school programs were a big hit as well…


Above left: Students at Brentwood Elementary School have fun while learning about pulleys and mechanical advantage on the CaveSim vertical caving tower. Above right: Brentwood students practice their teamwork and communication skills by working together to carry a classmate in our Skedco stretcher. Photos by Theresa Wood, teacher.


We were so pleased to make the most of our trip to Austin by doing programs for Baranoff, Houston, Blanton, and Brentwood Elementary schools, and Austin High School.  A very big thank-you to everyone who helped, especially Mike and Donna Frazier, Rich Zarria, and Robin.

Teacher Pat Jones at Houston Elementary wrote, “CaveSim was amazing. I had students come up to me the next day, give me a big hug and say ‘Thank you Ms. Jones for having the cave at our school. It was so fun.’

The students were able to understand cave formations, organisms and cave safety. You and the other cave experts were fantastic. You were able to share important content related to earth science and life science. Each part of the presentation was aligned to our science standards.  They particularly loved climbing through the cave and the ‘tower’. Mike was great. 

Thanks for all that  you do. We would love to see you back next year.

Students at Brentwood Elementary carry the Skedco stretcher.