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Support The New CaveSim Trailer

About the project:

We’re building a new mobile cave, not to replace the existing one, but to be able to do more educational programs than ever before.  We have lots of cool pictures, video, and details about the project:

If you think we’re doing important work and you want to help us teach tens of thousands of kids, choose an option or product below to become a sponsor today.  As of December 28, we have 20 sponsors of the new trailer, and we’ve raised $5,175 which puts us 12.8% of the way to our goal of $40,325.  We also have a matching sponsor who will match the next $1000 in donations.

There are several easy ways to support our educational mission.  The quickest and easiest is to use your credit card to make a purchase on this page.  If you’d like your contribution to be tax deductible, support CaveSim through the Cave Research Foundation.  Otherwise, just scroll down and make a purchase here.