What an amazing turnout we had this year at Convention!  Lots of local folks enjoyed our free public events, as featured in this TV segment from KTVH:

On Thursday of Convention week, we spent all morning with a great group of kids enrolled in an Inventions camp at the local museum, ExplorationWorks.  Museum staff member Connor Hague took the great pictures below.


On Monday and Tuesday, we worked with a different set of summer camp participants.  These elementary school students were participating in a science camp being held at the Convention site (Capital High School).  Each group of campers spent several hours with us.

Above, a mixed group of camp participants and young cavers learns about pulleys and mechanical advantage on the 12 foot CaveSim tower. Photo by Jessica Gordon.

Above, a group of summer camp students learns about CaveSim from Dave prior to donning helmets to explore the system. Photo by Nancy Aulenbach.

Above, a student prepares to take a ride in the CaveSim Sked while other students receive instructions from Dave. Photo by Nancy Aulenbach.


On Tuesday, Dave presented at the Conservation Tuesday session.  After the session, attendees came out to learn first-hand about our conservation lessons.

Above, Dave presents during the Conservation Tuesday talks. Below, Convention attendees gather by the trailer to learn about the conservation education work that we’re doing with CaveSim. Photos by Jessica Gordon.

A special thanks to our volunteers!  During Convention week, we had amazing help from Nancy and Brent Aulenbach, Foz Trautner, Jeff Gobin, Barb Smith, Aimee Beveridge, Ken Newton, Kathy Keeler, Beth Cortright, Red Schrock, Charles Kahn, Kate Bach, Andrea Croskrey, Van, Sierra Hiemel, Gabe Wright, and many others.

A huge thank you to all of our awesome sponsors:

 Barb Bentzin and Bob Montgomery with