10 high school students from The Colorado Springs School came to visit CaveSim today (here’s an article written by the students about the trip).  The students are in a seminar course about rock art (petroglyphs, pictographs, etc.)  Their teachers decided that CaveSim would be a great way to introduce the students to the concept of exploring fragile environments.  Tracy added cave paintings to CaveSim specifically for this group, and Dave added sensors to the cave paintings to warn visitors when they get too close to the rock art.  As the students crawled through CaveSim, they toted their sketch books and learned that it can be difficult to sketch in small cave passage!  The students also learned about a host of other topics, including geology, history, cave safety, and biology (e.g. rock varnish and white nose syndrome).  The students did an excellent job, and we enjoyed working with them.

Tracy’s cave painting. If you come up with a good story for this painting, tell us and we’ll post it!