We are so honored that the US Forest Service invited us back to this event for the second year in a row. We had an amazing crew, including Rick, Gaylene, June, Dave G., and Chris C. We worked with several hundred visitors as they enjoyed the mobile cave system, our vertical caving tower, squeezebox, and lots of other free, educational activities.
Above left, Rick Speaect teaches a family about pulleys and mechanical advantage on the 12′ CaveSim A-frame. Above right, Dave Gnuse and Gaylene Speaect work with a participant as she prepares to enter CaveSim. Photos by Randall Taylor / US Forest Service.
Above, Chris Carter (L) and Dave Jackson (R) stand by CaveSim’s cool table of incredible cave stuff, including carbide lamps and artificial formations. Photo by Randall Taylor / US Forest Service.
Rick Speaect outfitted for vertical caving in his Frog System. Photo by Randall Taylor / US Forest Service.